Year :  
Role :  
Digital Edge

First Impressions

Digital Edge was an online storefront that specialized in Custom Printing, mainly on packaging and apparel wear. When I was presented with the original site, it was clear that it had not been updated in quite some time, as well as filled with fundamental design flaws that was stopping their users from staying on the website and placing an order.

What I Had To Do

My job for this project was to apply the designs our team had created for the relaunch of Digital Edge. These designs were made in Figma, and with the use of HTML, CSS, and a little bit of JavaScript I was able to transform this out-of-date site into one that any customer would be happy to shop on. This required an understanding of the product on the website, as well as my ability to apply strong design techniques that would make the user want to stay on the page.

“We've been having problems with user engagement, is that something you can help with?”

Additional Content

An added factor with this project that added layers of difficulty was the backend software that we chose to power the e-commerce side of the platform. This backend was unfortunately very finnicky and did not allow a lot of custom changes to be made to their original code. The work around for this was having constant communications with the developers over at this company to ensure that any changes I was making would not effect the processes of the website.


Overall, the Digital Edge website is in a much stronger spot now than it was before the beginning of this project. User engagement has increased by over 200% and with that, orders from customers increased as well. It was clear that this site was in need of a makeover, and with my work and user knowledge, we were able to complete our goal of increasing user activity for this company.