Year :  
Role :  
Design & Development
Halton Food For Thought

First Impressions

The original Halton Food for Thought site was made in 2010 (also known as, a long time ago). The website needed a redesign and development so that it looked more modern for the charities visitors. The website also featured very old content that has since become outdated which needed to be updated as soon as possible. Since the original website was made on Wordpress and the staff at HFFT did not like this platform, we decided that Webflow would be our best fit.

What I Had To Do

This website was in need of major changes, fast. Our team designed the site out on Figma where we were able to tinker HFFT's brand image within the site's new rebranding launch. Once designs were completed, I was responsible for developing the website to a high-fidelity state. This included a new homepage, several external pages, and the development of unique widgets such as a custom embedded Google Map that shows how many schools this charity has helped.

“The site just looks so much better.”

Additional Content

A major factor in the development of this website was that it had to be developed in such a way where someone with absolutely no experience can come in and make changes. This required me to be extra precise in my class naming protocols as well as making comments throughout the code to tell the future developer that this snippet will change this section. I was also able to gain experience in running teaching sessions with individuals from Halton Food for Thought to ensure that they knew how to make changes throughout the site.


The overall feedback from this site's rebranded launch was amazing. It was a completely new face on a deserving charity's online presence and positive feedback from users have been coming every week.